How to Wakeup Early and Not Feel Misarable~Personally it took a bit longer of time to make habits to wake up early and not feel miserable. I ‘ve tried to set alarm but I didn’t even budge at all and didn’t get any result for a while. Until I found out what works for me after trial and error.
So, here I want to share tips on how to wake up early without feeling miserable for anyone that have similar problem like me.
These tips include things you should have to work before go to bed and after you wake up, to prevent you from being miserable and just throw away your productivity because you wake up earlier.
So, here are the tips that will help you wake up early.
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in order to commit to this new change, you need to understand why you want to make the change? Why you want to wake up earlier? In the first place. When you focus on the benefits that you will receive, it’s going to much easier to stick with these habits.
Don’t drink water at least 30 minutes before you’re about go to sleep. so, make sure you go to the bathroom and then you’re done with the liquids, because you want to make sure that nothing interrupts your sleep, you want to hit that REM sleep, that really deep sleep for you to feel so rested.
But instead drink water right after you wake up, It is something that i highly highly highly recommend. It’s not only gonna hydrate your body after long hour of rest but it’s also gonna wake your cells up and boost your mood.
I know it sound weird but if you want to wake up early you must sleep early. Sleep out of your regular time and wake up early the next day.
This will probably a little bit difficult for a couple of days but then you will get used to it. Since you’ve got less sleep last night you will feel a little tired but this tiredness will help you sleep early when the night comes. Earlier than your regular time.
Unless you set up your alarm for the next morning, avoid scrolling your phone close to your bed time. Limiting the use of these items the 30 minutes leading up to your bedtime, will both help fall asleep faster and increase the quality of your sleep. In short, it makes you feel a lot better when you wake up.
Blue light of the electronic devices will decrease your melatonin level and it will break up your circadian rhythm and just will make you stay up all night. So better to put it far from your bed.
There is actually a lot of studies shows that whiteish or blueish lights tend to mess with your circadian rhythm. Which basically is like your whole sleep cycle. White light has actually shown to cause more insomnia and sleeping disorder.
Any little thing that you could do to change your lights from white or blue to yellow will help you so much to have a good sleep and sleep earlier. Yellow light kind of show your body and tell your body it’s time to relax, it’s time to set yourself in the mood to go to sleep. I myself start dimming the light and turn on my dimmer light an hour before I go to sleep.
It seems like a really easy things to do, but you would be surprised how many people don’t actually set up their alarm at a good time.
Set your alarm just for one time. Set your best time you want to wake up only one, don’t set up your alarm on many times like 6:15 and then you set 10 other times every 15 minutes just in case you wont wake up. If you doing that, you’re already setting yourself for failures.
I heard this app Alarm Clock Plus, that makes you do math questions before you wake up and literally will not let you turn off until you finish answer it. It just kind of to stay away from hitting your snooze button and force you to wake up.
Paray before and after a whole night and just sleep, I like to wake up and just want to connect with God, it’s like give me strength to start my day way more in peace.
If you don’t belief in God find a way to be grateful, you can write or start gratitude journaling, and just pour all of the best and good things that happen to your life or everything that makes you happy. You can write down anything that make you great and peace and gives you strength to start your day.
Morning pages are actually like form of meditation to brain dump everything that you have in there into paper. It’s like long hand form for you to just everything, three pages that kind of like the key tothis and what it does is it just creates the clarity throughout your whole day. Write anything that’s been in your head that you’re super stressed out and put it on your paper, it will hard to get start but once you start eventually you’ll get the hang of it and you’ll just writing things and kind of make you surprised about things that you write.
Just write about anything and everything that pops out of your mind, without care about grammatical errors or being judge from someone else because no one see it. And honestly for me this is like morning therapy.
Accomplish something within the first hour of waking up. If you wake up and you’re just going your social media isn’t a bad thing to do, but when you accomplishing something it will guarantee a more productive morning, you won’t just wake up early and done nothing. For example I work for my emails or just doing creative thing. Or it can be as simple as simple as making your bed in the morning, just doing something that kind of chck off your to do list, just doing the productive things
Taking naps during the day decreases the sleep debt that is so necessary for natural sleep onset. If you feel so sleepy during the day just take a short time to take a nap like 15-30 minutes.