10 Healthy Habits for Women to Adopt Now


Healthy Habits For women | Morningkoffee

Healthy Habits for Women ~ Stay healthy, fit and have a good shape is something basically come from the inside of our body. It’s the ‘outcome’ of our habits on the daily basis.  it’s start from our healthy habits. And I think this is everyone goal to be healthy in life. 

That’s why we came with this post. We’re gonna dive deep here about habits and things that will be more beneficial and helpful for us. Daily habits that I think most of us need to give it a try and introduce it on our regular life, that will be a good start to make some change. 

Of course you don’t need to do all of these things. Choose that you comfortable doing it. And hopefully this will just make you look at your routine, look at your life what you’re doing. And you can make some change for your life. 



1. Stretch Your Body

Strech Your body healthy habits for womew |

Stretching does so much good for the body. A lot of people wanna especially in the New Yer a workout and think that’s gonna better their body and life. They don’t even think about stretching. Sometimes we forget about simple things that can really bring different just like streching.

Stretching is just one of the most simple beneficial thing that you can do for yur physical self. It reduces stress and tension through the body, it’s gonna improve mobility. These few simpe things is gonna make your life so much easier. And working out and excercising will be that much simple if you go ahead and do streches every day. And it’s also just kind of a preventative measure for your entire body.

2. Set Achievable Goals

Healthi habits for women | Set Achievable Goals


This something fullfilling, empowering and something that can kind of kick your butt. Set three achievable goals everyday. It can be anything from making your bed and tidying your room, taking a home spa, or decluttering your makeup brush.

This goals can be big things or small things but just things that you can do and focus on in your day and get them done and if you’re really good at it and really set on it these things or goals that you set throughout your day week life, it will turn into daily habits and things that you do without even thinking about it.

3. Let Your Bed Breathe

Healthy Habit for Women| Give Space for your bed

What i mean here is just taking of your blankets, duvets,  sheets and your flashy. and laying them on the ground and letting your mattress. pillow, blankets to breathe.


The amount of moisture that you let go of form your body throughout the day and especially through the night is insane. By doing it the moisture in your bed will evaporate. This ting is going to actually improve the smell of you and your bed and your room. And it’s kess chance it’ll be a breeding ground for bugs for mites, spider or mold.

So one to two times a week let your bed breathe the entire day leyt it  unmade and then the rest of the time let it breathe for at least 20 minutes before making it.

4. Sleeping In Cotton Panties

Healthy Habits for Women | sleeping in cotton penties

Let your body breathe is also simple but really important thing to do. And sleeping with cotton underwear is something every women should really adopt it. Because cotton underwear is really breatheble underwear compare to other material like silk or satin that you might more likely to wear. By wearing unbreathable mateial in the night especially, you will make your lady parts sit in its own moisture and it’s not healthy. 

You can sleep with cotton underwear or no underwear at all at night and let your lady part to breathe. By letting that you’re not only keep it dry it will also gonna reduce odor and will make you feel refresh. 

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Healthy Habits for Women | taking probiotics

Baically it’s just beneficial bacteria that helps serve your body in so many differnt ways. It enables your gut to thrive and just be so healthy. Your gut is like the doorway to your body, if your gut isn’t doing well the rest of your body isn’t gonna do so well.

But by taking probiotics you’re reducing inlammation, improve digestion, improve your immunity as well which is awesome. and it also will improve your natural smell of your entire body.

6. Don’t Skip on Skincare

Healthy Habits For Women | don't skip skincare

I think a lot of the time we just kind o push skincare to the side and we do whatever we wanna do. We really should make skincare a part of our daily routine. We should prep and pamper and help and heal our skin every single day morning and night. Protect our skin and care for our skin when we do that ir improes abviously our skin long term .

There’s something really good feeling about good skin and knowing that you’re taking good care of it. And this is a great form of self care.

But if you have busy morning and have no time to really do skincare routine, you can go only from the basic skincare routine. Here is Simple & Effective Morning Skincare Routine Only With 4 STEPS that you can start build your skincare routine habit.  

7. Dry Brushing

Healthy Habits For Women | Dry brushing

Dry brushing is pretty much like those kind of rough bristle brushes. Those are a dry brush. A lot of people can use them wrong as scrubber in the shower, they’re not supposed to be wet but these are supposed to be used dry.

You just take it on your bare skin, just take the brush and rub up. This is going to incerase circulation of the blood stream and will also reduce a lot of skin condition. It creates a beautiful natural glow and also encourages cell turnover which is great for you.

Healthy Habits For Women

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8. Read Everyday

Healthy Habits For Women | Read everyday

If you’re not a reader that’s fine, but 10 minutes a day of reading is going to benefit you extremly. It’s gonna help your intellegence, help with memory function. work your mind and gonna work your brain. And also let’s be real reading is an awesome way to escape and kind of relaxing your mind from all of the hecticness in life.

9. Red Light Therapy

Healthy Habits For Women | Red Light Therapy

There are just so many benefits rom this red light therapy, It can be a way for you to improve and clear your skin, some people use it for athritis other people skin condition like for joir healing of joints or bones.

It fights the inlammatin in the body, it also boost collagen reproduction and it just overall will heal skin ailments like acne. So if you do have acne becuse inflammation or any issues related in your body try to use this red light therapy. I think make a red light therapy as habit is really a thing that can both beneficial for your health and a way to pamper yourself.

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10. Do Something For Your Surrounding

Do Something for Surroundings | Healthy habits for women

Last but not least healthy habits is Do something for your surrounding. It’s not something that’s not only gonna help others but also yourself. By helping and doing something in your environtment it’s gonna help you to keep your sanity and be human.  And i think the term of helping others is not only limited toward human being things only it can be to other live being and your environtment.

Every single day do one thing for others it can be your family, strangers, your environtment, or animals in your neighborhood. Make this a habit and a part of you’re. It might be something small or little offer or help for you but you never know how big it could be for somone or something.

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