9 Simple and Natural Tips to Have Clear and Flawless Skin

9 Simple and Natural Tips to Have Clear and Flawless Skin| Beauty habits to get glow up

Natural Tips or Flawless Skin~Every person wants a perfect picture with flawless, glowing, and clean skin. And I think a lot of us go to great lengths and spend a great deal of money when trying to achieve it. And also, a lot of the time we go out looking for this complicated solution, thinking it’s going to be the fix to our complicated problems. When in fact, the solution tends to be quite simple and easy. That you can get it money-free.

So, here I want to share and break 9 simple and natural tips to get clean and glowing skin. Tips that you can try to practice if you looking for glowing and clean skin.  But please notice that these tips are general tips, it’s not one size fits all solution. So, if you have something that getting worse over time, please go to the professional.

So, here are nine tips to have clear and glowing skin in simple and natural ways.

1. Keep Your Product Simple

Keep Your Product Simple : Glow Up Naturally

The fewer products that you put on your skin, the better. You want simplistic products, and you want to stick to the products that you do have quality over quantity.


I know a lot of the time, these big new products come out, and they are very thrown in our faces through advertisements, sponsors, and all that kind of stuff. But what is really important is to stick to what works for you.

But keep in mind if you do ever change your skincare or you’re trying out a new product, a lot of the time, it takes a while for your skin to get used to it. So we can get a breakout from it.

Obviously, rashes and irritation mean that your skin is reacting badly, but if you get acne breakouts or pimple breakouts, just a few here and there, it’s a normal reaction.

If you are switching up your products, your skin is just kind of detoxifying, and that’s okay. So, not all acne is bad, especially if you’re switching out different products.


But again, try to find products that work best for you and stick to them; we don’t need ten different products for scrubs and ten product door face masks. It’s toxic for your skin.

Also, you may want to read Simple & Effective Morning Skincare Routine Only With 4 STEPS if you’re trying to cut off your skincare routine and want to go for the basics skincare routine that your skin actually needs. Also, read 10 Skincare Products You Don’t Actually Need.

Here I really want to recommend an oat face ash that I have been obsessed with this for the past few months. It’s Avenoo Daily Moisturizing Facial Cleanser.

2. Don’t Pop Your Acne't Pop Out Your Acne | Natural Tipd for Flawless, Clear and Glowing Skin

Another tip for flawless skin that you might be tempted to do the opposite of is not to pop out your can.


If you happen to have a pimple or two, do not touch it or play with it, put makeup on it, or even pop it out. If you can hold off on that one, it is important to let it breathe and let it do its thing.

It will go away on its own. It might take a few days and might look ugly. But trust me, it’s worth it, and it’s better than you popping it out.

Because when you pop it, one, you get a scar, and two, all that pus and bacteria that you’re just popped not only get on your finger but which you’re going to touch your face throughout the day,  you increase the risk of bacteria spread, and you will get more pimples. I know it’s pretty tempting, but if you can hold it, it’s worth it.

But if your hand can’t hold it or you feel irritated by the look, try Pimple Patch, which will pop the acne without spreading its bacteria and is way more hygienic.

3. Change and Wash Your Sheet Regularly

Beauty habits to get glow up| Change and Wash Your Sheet Regularly

Wash your sheet and your pillow sheet once every week or two weeks. When we lay down on our pillow, our excess oil, bacteria, and dirt, especially if we didn’t clean our makeup before or clean our face before we fell asleep is going to accumulate on our pillow and our pillow sheets.

If you don’t wash your pillow and your pillow sheets and when you sleeping on that and rubbing your face on that, all of the bacteria and dirt build-up is now going to be on your face. So, it’s super important to wash your sheets at least once every two weeks.

My hacks here are to change the position of the pillow every two days and I always sunning my pillows every morning.

4. Wear Silk Eye Masks

Wear Silk Eye Masks

So, the silk eye mask really helps me because it has soft pressure on my eyelids, and that’s very calming to me; it helps me relax when I’m feeling anxious. It kind of gives me a good sleep time.

And the other thing is that it does help me to lay on my back; it makes me not want to sleep on my side.

So, by that, you’re not going to crunch your face as much. It’s also nice because the silk is really gentle in your whole eye area.

Here is our choice silk eye mask set with Pillowcase.

5. Manage and Reduce Stress

Reduce and manage stress | Natural Tipd for Flawless, Clear and Glowing Skin

I know it’s dang obvious. But it is something that you should pay attention to if you want to have clean and glowing skin.

Stress has such an impact on the skin, and we all know how much more our skin can break out when we’re going through stressful times.

So, it’s so important to manage your stress. So, what can you do? Now, you can’t live stress-free – that would mean you need to stop living. Stress is a normal part of life; it’s going to be there. But what we can change is the way we react to stress and manage our stress on a daily basis. Here are simple self-care activities that can help you to relieve your stress and restore your positive energy.

So, keep in mind if you want to have flawless skin, release your stress and don’t pile it up to the point you can’t manage it.

6. Avoid Direct Contact With Hot Water

Hot shower | Natural Tipd for Flawless, Clear and Glowing Skin

Don’t put your face directly under the hot faucet or under the hot shower. Having really hot water blasting on your face is very damaging to your skin.

Your skin is gonna stripped makes your pores look bigger, and heaps of bad stuff. Instead, you can put a hot damp towel and kind of wrap it around your face, leave it for a while and press it down. It’s much better rather than exposing your face skin to hot water.

You also can get a steamed towel like they do at professional spas, by putting a damp towel in a rice cooker and putting it on your face.

It’s really good for your skin that not only relaxing for the skin but also helps to soften the gunk in your skin so you can get it out easily.

7. Be Considerate When Choosing Acne Products

Premium Photo | Beautiful female doctor consulting patient

Be considerate when you choose products that say for acne-prone skin or get rid of your acne, or use these products with a professional telling you so.

Because a lot of these products contain very harsh chemicals that literally overly strip your natural oil, which can dry you out, and it’s gonna is very bad for your skin, especially if you have breakouts.

So, before you choose and use the products, see carefully the ingredient and enrich yourself with them.  Or you can consult your dermatologist.

Here we’ve also made a post about the best skin care products for acne, which are formulated with absolutely no-harsh ingredients but with the ones that you need to fight your acne.

8. Stay Hydrated

Drinking Wter`

Drinking water, this one is obvious. But the hack for me was getting a one-liter bottle and bringing it everywhere.

I’m not kidding, but I always bring my water to remind me that I need to take a gulp every single time, and I always fill it whenever it’s used up.

9. Own Your Skin

If you look in the mirror every day and you sit in there and knit and pick at every little thing that’s wrong with your skin, you’re only going to be focusing on that and zoning in on that, and your skin is going to reflect.

But when sit there and look in the mirror and look at all the beautiful things on your face and focus on what you do like about yourself, you will get more self-confident, and you will be able to see it flourish and poke through your skin and you’ll radiate beauty from within.

Mentally you’re going to see it reflected physically. It’s like the placebo principle. What you believe is what you get. It’s a psychological thing.

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