Simple And Amazing Beauty Tips With Honey


 Amazing Beauty Uses For Honey To Benefit Skin and Hair

Simple Beauty Tips with Honey~ Today we’re going to share 9 Simple Beauty Tips with Honey. Honey can work wonders when it comes to beauty. It has a lot of benefit to our body in and out, it is antibacterial and antiseptic, it has lightening properties and it hydrates.

These beauty tips are beneficial for hair, skin and face. That will change you in and out, leave you with natural beauty.

So, here are honey beauty tips that you can start to apply into your daily routines, to get a flawless and natural beauty.

Fight Acne beauty tips with honey | Fight acne

As I mentioned before honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight acne and also reduce the redness. For simple acne remedy here are what we need

1 teaspoon of honey and ½ tsp of cinnamon (also contains antibacterial properties) and then mix it. Apply this anywhere you have acne and rinse off after 10 minutes cleanly.

Remember to never pop out your acne, instead you can use Acne Patch, that will shrink your zit overnight and suck out all of the pus so it’s not spreading all over your face. While you can apply honey to reduce the pimple.



Hair Mask

Hoy Hair Mask | Honey beauty

The moisturizing properties of honey make it ideal for restoring dry damaged hair.

To make a repairing hair mask with tons of benefits you need to mix 2 tbsp of honey, 2 eggs (eggs will nourish your hair with protein that needed for healthy hair) and 4 tbsp of olive oil that will helps to smooth and condition your hair. Then mixed it well and apply it to your hair.


This mask will not only leave your hair soft but it also adds a beautiful shine. Just apply this to damp hair, wrap it into a band and then shampoo after 30 minutes.

Dry Lips

Dry Lips Treatment with honey | Honey beauty

Because honey is natural humectant it has the power to moisturize and heal dry chapped lips.

Simply dab some honey right onto lips to hydrate and restore lost moisture. I used to apply some honey right before go to bed, and its result just the best. It makes my lips moisture overnight.

The Naked Bee Orange Blossom Honey Lotion and Lip Balm Set, Hydrating, Moisturizing, and Natural Skin Care Products Cruelty Free

Related Post: How To Get Plump, Soft and Pink Lips | Lip Care and Lip Hacks

Facial Cleanser

Honey as Facial cleanser | Honey beauty

The enzymes in honey can also help to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. To make an all-natural facial cleanser mix 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp of ground oatmeal.

Oatmeal is one of the best natural cleanser and it does a great job of exfoliating the skin. Massage is for a few minutes and let it sit for 10-15 minutes and rise off it and you’ll be left with healthy glowing complexion.

Face Mask

Face mas wit honey | Honey beauty

For a simple face mask with tons of benefits. All you need is honey and plain yogurt. It’s loaded with nutrients and enzymes that help to clarify the skin and keep it hydrated with retaining in the moisture, it also promotes healing lightens acne scar and leaves you with the beautiful glow.

You can apply it using a brush, it can get kind of messy but once it dries it’s all good.  Let the mask sit for 20 minutes and then rinse it off.

I do use Derma Roller Cosmetic that really maximizing the result to healing acne scars and lightens my face. I highly recommend to get the derma roller, if you have acne scar that you want to get rid of.

Pigmentation / Uneven Skin Tone

fades uneven skin tone with hone | Honey Beatu Tips

Honey can help you to fade away the pigmentation on your skin. What you need is to take 2 tbs hones and some lemon juice and then apply it on your pigmented area. Leave it to around 15-20 minutes and then clean it off with water.


Image result for sunburn

The nature of honey which can mositurize and also have an anti inlammatory agent will help you to soothe sunburn immadiately. The mositure and anti imflammatory in honey will slowing down the redness and the swollen caused by sunburn.

You can use only honey or add some aloe vera gel and apply on affected area and then rinse off.

Dry Scalp

Dry scalp treatment with honey | Honey beauty tips

If you’re now dealing with dry scalp issues, Honey can be really good alternate to soothe your dry scalp.

Honey is really good moisturizer that will help to soothing dry scalp, you can use it while your’re washing your hair, with add some honey to your regular shampoo.

Pore Cleanser

Image result for pores

You can cleanse your pores with this simply honey. Take some honey and add few drops of olive oil and softly rub on your pores and wash off. Do it 2-3 minutes daily, you will see the result.

Shiny Hair

Frizzy Hair Home Remedy with honey| Honey beauty


Mix 3 Tbs Honey with 2 Tbs Olive oil or coconut oil. and apply it on your hair only on the hair shaft. And you will get the glossy finish.

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