Simple Skin Care Routine for Acne – Get Rid Of Acne only in 5 Steps


Skincare routine for acne

Simple skicare routine for acne ~Morningko.When you get Acne, skincare can be very confusing and seems like a never-ending battle, doesn’t it?

If breakouts are a regular affair on your face, you need to look back at your skincare routine.
You need to raise knowledge yourself with right information and guidence, by that you can regulate your breakouts and get the clear skin. Keep reading.

What causes acne?

Acne is a skin disease which affecting up to 50 million Americans yearly. where it occurs when your pore become clogged by oil, dead skin or impurities and bacteria.


Involving the oil glands at the base of hair folicles. This oil gland releases sebum to lubricate your skin, but once this lubrication process having one or more problems it can causing acne. It can occur when :

  • Excessive oil produced by folices
  • Accumulation of dead cells in your pores
  • Bacteria build up in yourpores.

These problem are the root of your pimple appearance. A pimmple appears when bacteria grows in a blockes pore where oil couldn’t escape.

Possible triggers – there are many triggers causing acne, here are th most commonly lead to breakouts :

  • hormonal changes caused by puberty or pregnancy
  • greasy cosmetics
  • medictions that contain androgen and lithium
  • emotional stress
  • menstruation
  • lack of sleep
  • a diet high refined sugar or carbohydrates

Know your skin type

No matter what skin type you have you always can get pimple on your skin. But oily skin is the most pimple-prone. Caused by excessive oil produced by your oil glands.


Another skin type which get acne-prone is combination more oily skin. Means you have both dry and oily areas but dominantly with more oily areas. The oily area tend to be on your ferhead, nose, and chin also called T-zone.

By knowing your skin type it will really help your to choose and find the right skin care products to clear your acne effectively and more quickly.

5 Simple Steps Skin Care Routine for Acne

When it comes to skincare routine especially for acne you probably want to try any kind of products just to free yourself from it. But actually your skin will only need these 5 steps skincare routine for acne that will help you to get rid of acne.

5 steps skincare routine for acne


Step 1 #Get Deep Clense but Keep Gently (Morning & Night)

Washing your skin is basic skincare routine everyone need to do at least once a day – no matter what your skin type is. And you don’t actually need to use an acne-fighting face wash. why? because most of it are waaaay too harsh and too overly stripping your oil skin. `Leaving with satisfying feeling at frirst minute but then you get more vulnerable to breakouts.

And to get deep cleanse I always recommend to get double cleanse especially if you wear makeup all day.

Best Face Wash for Acne

Oil Cleanser



Water Based Cleanser

Step 2 #Toner (Morning)

Toners or astringents can help you to remove too much oil, to hydrate or fight blemishes and blackheads depend on the ingradients they have.

Astringents are desgined to get rid of too much oil from the skin so, obviousl, they are best firnd for oily skin type. But pay attention to the alcohol content as it can be too harsh for your skin. Free alcohol toner are the best choice if you have acne. And if you have dry skin a hydrating toner is better choice.

Regardless, if toners or astringent seems irritate or overly strippin your skin, simply don’t use them.

Best Toner for Acne


Step #3 Moisturize (Morning and Night)

Every skin type need to get hydration. And oily and acne-prone skin is included.
Without it your skin oil glands will go into overdrive and you will get more excess oil to compensate.

But many moisturizers contain oil, sythetic fragrance or other ingradients that may cause your breakouts even more.

To help you prevent and fight pimple. use noncomedogenic, fragrance free. oil free moisturizers (go with a lotion formula if you have dry or combination skin and a gel if you have oily skin) that contains hydrating ingradients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin and or ceramides.

Read : 7 of The Best Drugstore Face Moisturizers

Acne Treatment (Night)

I mean here are any serumes or gels with active ingradients that are going ‘actively’ treat your acne. Like these below:

  • Adopalene :a type of retinoid formulated specifically for acne. To regulates cell turnover, reduces oil production and sooth inflammation, It is consider to be the least effective, but best tolerated.
  • Benzoyl Perxide: Works as a antiseptic to prevent acne by killing acne bacteria on the skin and pores.
  • Niacinamide: a form of vitamin b3. Help to reduces inflammation and discoloration, while also balancing oil production.
  • Salicylic acid : is also well known as bha, works to treat acne as exfoliator. provides deep cleansing into the pores to remove excess oil and dead skin.

In general, If you’re dealing with inflammatory acne try bnezoyl peroxide or niacinamide. But for cystic acne try to make an appointment with a dermatologist as it is notoriously difficult to treat on your own but you cantry with Adapalene as your best bet. ad go with adapalene if you’re dealing with balckheads or whiteheads.

To use treatment products, you should start slow, as it can too forcingly your skin to heal. With salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and niacinamide can usually be used daily  (and on non-sensitive skin, sometimes twice daily), but strats slowly and gradully building your tolerance to every night.

Best treatment products for acne

Wear SPF (Morning)

Sunscreen is non negotiable skincare routine you need to apply it importantly during the day.

Sunscreen and acne prone skin type don’t have a history of playing nice. Many people skip this steps beacuse it’s way too heavy and clogged the pore which cause more breakouts.

If this is a case from you to steer clear you might want to reconsider by using lightweigh non comedogenis sunscreen. There are plenty of lightweight options available

The best sunscreen for acne prone skin

Extra tips to get rid of acne quickly

Let’s be honest be real, this skincare routine or any skincare routine- won’t give you instant transformation. Most of acne treatments takes anywhere from 4 -12 weeks of consistent use before giving you the visibl result. So be consistent and patient is key to get rid of acne and get clear skin.Get

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