6 Everyday Habits That are Damaging Your Hair


How Do You Treat Extremely Dry Hair?Habits that are damaging your hair~ If you do have frizzy, dry, dehydrated and really damaged hair. I hope this post will helps you out. And before we jump into further, and for you to understand the topic better it’s important to know hair structure.

Hair Structure

Hair Structure - Everything You Need To Know

So hair is pretty complex structure with several different layer. But there are mainly two parts when it comes to hair which is hair roots and hair shafts (physical hair, that you can look now).

And here we’re gonna focusing on hair shaft. The one that you touch and get the most exposure with things that you put on your hair.


So, there are 3 different componenets or layers forming the hair shaft. There are Medulla (the core), Cortex and Cuticles that’s wrapping the cortex. So the cuticle layer is of the essence of hair’s look, it decides the glossiness, the smoothness and the shininess.

The structure of cuticle layer is very similar to the shingles on the root. Once all the cells are nicely packed they give that smooth and shiny glossy hair look. But Once there are missing parts in the root and once the cuticle layers are lifted by chemical damage or heat damage, then the hair appears to be frizzy and a lot drier and damaged.

Hair is 90% protein. Its basically made of amino acids linked with peptides bond very thightly and this could be easily damaged with everything that we do. The analogy that might be related is like you cooking egg, where once it gets heat the form and consistency are changing. So be really consider when you’re trying to do something with your hair.

Habits That are Damaging Your Hair

Without further ado here are habits that you’re doing it everyday that actually damaging your hair, check it out 6 everyday habits that are damaging your hair.


1. Chemical Damage

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Coloring, dyeing , bleaching your hair is another extreme level of damage and doing a perm does kill your hair.

What they do to your hair is by opening up the hair bonds and cuticles then depositing the hair color or  chemical treatment inside the hair. So the hair stays that way because you’re really taking off the singles of their root.

When there’s not a lot of cuticles which is the key to make hair appear shiny will ended you up with frizzier, dry, dehydrated hair. Because you compromised the environment that protects the hydration.


I know it might be hard for you to not to stop cloring or bleaching your hair especially if you’re really like experiencing new stlyes for your hair. But it does really gonna change your hair state if you’re stop trying coloring or do some chemical treatment for your hair.

2. Water Damage

Shower Tips: Shampooing the Right Way |

This might surprising thing for a lot of you. But yeah that’s a thing. When it comes to water damage mainly there are two different factors that come into this which is first quality of the water and second the length of exposure to the water.

Quality of Water

Starting from the quality of the water. About hard water vs soft water. You might have heard of this if you do live in an area where it has hard water.

Hard water is water with high minerals with higher sodium content and the soft water is water contains low minerals. If you wash your dishes and it’s let with soap scum or the spoty dishes you’re probably living in an area where it has hard water and this can actually really be deterined to your hair health and the skin in general.

Hard water actually has higher pH, meaning that it is gonna stripping away your skin’s natural subsrtitues and also affecting the hair health as well. It has build up minerals make shampoo to sufficiently lather up and wash away. Make it a little bit greasy.
If you do life in an area where it has hard water it’s not the end of the day . There are mainly 2 tips that i highly recommend

  • Doing Vinegar Rinse or Acid Rinse

This is more popularized by European countries becuse of the nature of the water. There are a lot of hair vinegars out there that you can easily buy of f, but if you do can create your own with diluting apple cider vinegar into some water make sure it’s not to acidic that would damage your hair.

  • Install Water Softener

I know this is a little bit of investment. You don’t need it if you don’t have severe damage condition on your hair or skin. But if you do have, it’s recommended to instal a water softener.

The Lenght of Exposure

The second point in the water danmage category is long exposure to the water. So long shower, hot shower definitely not a good thing for your hair.

There is such thing as Hygral Fatigue. It’s basiclally a condition referring to your hair swelling up from repeated and excessive sweling and diswelling of the hair cuticules.

So opening up the hair bond is not a good things to do especially if you’re doing it repeatedly.  This kind of environment will make the cuticules more vulnerable, weaker and more prone to damage, Damage in that state of Long exposure to water can disturpts some of the bond of the hair. This damaging stage is also depend on how damaged or stress your already is.

However the damage happens when it goes over the limit.

3. Product Damage

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The most detrimental thing to your hair is jumping too oten shampooing. Tips to shampooing

  •  Extend between washes as long as and as much as

Not over wash your hair is really importnt but if it’s hard for you to not wash your hair everyday because it’s kind of feel greasy,dirty or too uncomfortable to pass the day without shamppoing try this tip with slowly extend the day or frequency you shampooing your hair.

I’ve gone for washing my hair every single day to once every two days  and now trying to go every once per 3 day. And it does take time. but the interesting thing your body and your hair can adjust.

Actually hair can do its own job to maintaining its health, what we do just to make sure and help its uncting properly.

But if you’re shampooing too often it’s gonna overly stripping your hair and naturally thus will produce more oil to naturally compensate that losing oil.

  •  When you’re smapooing only focus on the scalp area not the shaft.

This is also really important ways to do to focusing  and get deep cleanse on the scalp area where the build up came from.

  • Choose a gently Hydrating and Moisturizing shampoo

In case you’re someone who need a lot of hair products, hair waxes or hair styling products. You might want to keep another clarifying puriying a or combing shampoo

  • Use Less Hair Styling Products

I’m not her to say that those hair waxes, hair powder or hair sprays are fundamentally damaging the hair. They’re not. But they dos use a lot o starchy ingradients that can naturally buildup very easily especially i you’re sweating or meet water they can just come up in your hair. So a good way to prevent this or to make it easier for you to shampoo try to brush it out before you jump into shower.

4 Physical Damage

Pulling Hair Stock Photos And Images - 123RF

Tugging your hair and streching your hair especially when your hair is wet. Like mention before when your hair is wet it’s more open that make it weaker. So when you are drying your hair with towel try to gently press out the water yeah gently. So it’s not causing any unnecessary phisical friction.

5. Heat Damage

Remember that hair is composed mostly from protein, and heat is pretty damaging to protein. it similar likeyou’re boiling or frying some eggs which basiccaly protein, they will chang the form of it.

Tips here to minimize the damage are

Amount of the time of exposure : Try to not get long exposure from heat wheteher from your hair dryiner or hot shower.

Invest in into Hair Styling Tools or Products  that aren’t using heat or cause less damage like using heat protectant before you go with your hair dryer or you can use tools with no heat like Dyson Supersonic Hairdryer.

6. UV Damage

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It’s not only affecting your skin, Uv rays is also can damage your skin hair and also the shaft and cuticles of the hair.

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