BAD AND GOOD FOODS FOR ACNE ~ I totally understand the frustation of spending so much time, energy and most importantly a lot of money. Expecting skincare products can somehow magically clear up your skin.
But you might have also learned that having a clear skin is somtime nothing more important than what you put inside your body.
So here instead of giving you some best skincare product recommendations we gonna give you how to clear up your skin from the root which is to look what you put inside your body.
There are numerous factors that can contribute in forming acne but the two major things causes acne are hormon imbalance and inlammation. Which is one of the biggest factors that affecting that is your daily intake. That’s what we gonna talk about.
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But before we go further i think we should know what blood sugar is and how it can caused Acne in general, because it has strong bond with acne formation, and we gonna talk a lot about it.
Basically blood sugar is sugar or glucose in your blood which is the level of sugar in your blood is always up and down depend on your daily intake.
When blood sugar goes up our body it will naturally produces Insuline, but the thing is when insuline is produce this affects to disturpt our hormone level and pump something called Androgen, and this hormone stimulates sebum production and it makes our sebum much gloopiers, it clogs the pores and therefore acne hapens.
Blood sugar Goes up –> Produce Insuline –> Call Androgen –> Stimulate sebum production –> Clog pores –> Acne
Note : Putting out certain foods and incorporating more Nutrient Dense and real food into your diet is really going to help you guys out in cllearing up your skin. But It’s not going to happen overnight, but you will get there slowly but surely
Since it’ll spike your blood sugar levels and there’s no doubt you’ll get clear skin once you lowering or cut out your sugar intake.
Basically dairy is a natural source of sugar suprisingly. Also cow’s milk contains growth horones and inflammatory substances that can glue your skin cells together. Eventually flaken your pores.
Espcially if you are lactose intolerant do not force your body to consume milk because that issue is another acne stripping factor.
Instead you can substitute dairy products to plant-based milk and nut milk. Which is also really great and delicious.
Bad carbs or carbohydrates with low amount of fiber are likely the main sources of our high glycemy food. Such as white bread, white rice, junk food, sodas and so.
These type of foods are basically the foods that can increasing our blood sugar quickly because of the chemical structure of this kind of food. And the rise of blood sugar can really affecting our skin’s health.
So if you wanna have a clear skin you might want to change these high glycemic foods to good carbs like whle grain oods, oatmeal, brown rice and healthy nutritional snack.
A lot of people with acne are found to have a very low vitamin a inside their blood, That’s why a lot of acne medications contains convinced version of Vit A. But this version comes with a lot of side effects.
So i highly recommend you to take it from food or supplemets form. It can regulate the sebum production, boosting collagen level inside our skin and just protect our skin. Carrots, brocoli and sweet potatoes are rich with vitamin A.
ALA (The simple form of omga 3) is something that a lot of acne patients also are deficient. This ingradient is such an amzing substitute that can reduce inflammation in your body.
You can find it in natural sources like Flexseed, Geaseed, Walnuts and so.
Zink is beautiful micro nutrient that kind of get overlooked but once you started incorporating a zinc supplement into your routine you will started seeing deiference on your skin.
Zinc isreally really good at killing that Acne causing by bacteria.
Antioxidant it’s something that ‘s also really important to fight acne. It’s gonna make your skin really healthy and just makes our skin more fit to fight against the free radicals in the air that can damage your skin and actually causing breakouts or pop a pimple.
Ptrobiotics is going to help you guys with your gut issues. So it’s going to recude the inflammation over ther and not only that probiotics can also increa the absorption of the vitamins hat we intae daily.
Founded a lot in fermented foods like sour brook, kimchi.