How To Get Plump, Soft and Pink Lips | Lip Care and Lip Hacks


How to get plump and soft lips (Tips and Tricks)

Wanting fuller lips it can both means lavishly large pillowcase lips or just means you wanna have soft, smooth and a bit more oomph lips. And like the rest of your body this both purposes to get plump, soft fuller lips starts from the inside. Start from the lip care that you’re doing it regularly also some lip tips and lip hack to boost the look. Or if you’re someone dreaming to get pout lips but just too afraid to get some injection or any kind of thing then this post i sfor you. Keep reading for the lip care and hacks to get plump, soft and loucious lips.

1. Drinking

How to get plump and soft lips (by drinking)

I know sounds cliche, right? But personally my lips start looking really dry and really cracked if i haven’t drink enough water. So i like to make sure that i’m getting enough water in my daily diet.


If you want to have plump and soft lips make sure you have enough water to hydrate your body.

2. Teeth Look is Important

How to get plum and soft lips (White teeth)

  • Brushing

You can have super nice lips but if your teeth not on point then it just kind of ruins everything. So i like to brush my teeth first beore start any lip care routine.

I like brushing with crest 3d white toothpaste, this is my favorite toothpaste and i just always end up going back to this one.


Also using electric toothbrush is so much better because these just work so much more efficiently than regular manual brushing.

  • Simple exfoliate

Once you’re done brushing your teeth and your toothbrush is clean of course. You can go with simple exfoliation by brushing your lips to get rid of those dead cells in circular motion.

Go in circular motions will not only exfoliate them and remove the dead skin especially but also it will promote the blood flow which can stimulating collagen production. The substitute that make your skin supple and elastic.

If you like you can also apply some vaseline or lip balm to lubricate the lips. I like to use Rosebud Salve Lip Balm to apply on the toothbrush and simple exfoliate. You can do this for like a good 2-3 minutes.

  • Baby Your Teeth

Along with brushing i really like to make sure that my teeth are just super white as white as possible so i like to use this crest 3d whitestrips.

You can just taking them out and you just literally place them on your teeth. The bigger one is for your top teeth and the small one is for your bottom teeth. Leaving this on for about 30 to 45 minutes and when you’re take t off your teeth it will be extra white.

3. Exfoliate

how to get plump an soft lips (exfoliation)


So sometimes using the toothbrush is not bough and you need to bring out the heavy duty stuff which is a lip scrub .

I like using Hanalei sugar lip scrub it is so so good and easy to use, you just apply this onto your lips . it’s a sugar based scrub and it’s all natural ingradients.

You can  can actually lick it of an eat it just like after exfoliate it and the taste just like candy,

Once you do an exfoliating you just wanna clean up with wipes and make sure there is no speck of sugar left.

You can also go with DIY with Brown sugar and coconut oil. Slough them off with this kitchen staff is also works really god.

4. Lip Oil

How to get plump and soft lip (lip oil)

After using scrub on you also want to give some extra moisture on it with applying some oils that you like and you have in your pouch.

I like to use an oil. NOONI Applecoco Lip Oil. I really like this oil because it smells just so good and this one is really cute and work nice. But of course you can use something that’s like 100% organic like coconut oil or Peppermint oil which also have benefit to stimulate collagen production to make your skin look good and keep the elasticity of your skin.

It’s not only give you the extra moisture and it also can lasts much longer and you can use this before lipstick application you can just wait ifor it to dry.

If you have the time I recommend keeping the oil overnight because it make your lips will be really nourished in the morning.

5. Lip Mask

How ro get plump and soft lip (lip mask)

Lip mask is really important if you wanna soft and plump lips because it give the lips a deeper moisture compared to just adding lip balms over.

Especially if you just use a sugar scrub then you need that deep moisture and bring the moisture back. And by doing this you’re gonna feel like you preventing dryness

I like to soak my lips with Laneige lips mask. This mask is amazing and truly can bring the mositure back onto your lips.

Also you can leave on overnight or you can leave it on for 10 minutes. So ater 10 min you can just wipe it off and you can already see how plumped it looks and how much softer it look like compared to before you apply it..

6. Trim Nose Hair

How to get plump and soft lip (trim nose hair)

So this is getting into a little bit of the TMI Section but we got to talk abot it. sometimes you know the nose hairs can be popping out, and something it just look annoying to have it. So sometimes you may want to trim this nose hair and invest in for this.

I recommend to use ToiletTree Nose Hair Trimmer, it is practiacal and lightweight. Very easy to use even for beginner.

Just a little reminder once you’re done you just wanna blow your nose because all the little hairs can stuck in there.

7. Face Hair

how to get plum and soft lip (Face Hair)

Moving on to more facial hair this is for your peach fuzz or for your little mustache. Yes girls get them and it’s not anything to be emberrassed about and nothing wrong to shaving them though.

I like using Panasonic facial trimmer to remove the hair on my upper lips and below my lips also and i love this thing. i use this basically for my whole face.

Extra notes with some Lip Hacks 

  • Simple Plump pout

If you wanna have plump fuller lips to last a little longer than an hour or so I recommend either using cayenne pepper or cinammon powder. Either or will work because it’s gong to swell up your lips. and your lips will probably look fuller for a good 2-3 hours.Depend how hard you rub it.

So you can take a little bowl and you can either use your favorite extra virgin olive oil or your lip balm. And mix it up. and put this mixture on toothbrust and just start scrubbing your lips.

It’s going to promote blood flow to your lips and kind of giving it a stinging sensation and swell it up. and wipe off with paper towel.

  • “Outdrawing”Lip Liner

The good old fashioned that’s gonna make your lips look fuller. The trick is to find a lip liner that matches your natural lip color. My savorite Lip Liner Makeup For Ever aqua Lip.

So what you do is to outdrawing outside your lips just a tad bit. You don’t want to overdraw too much or else you’re gonna get super crazy looking lips.

First thing you wanna do is smile ans start outlinening a little bit and just have fun with the shape. I recommend experimenting and playing with diferent shapes because you never know what’s gonna look good for you until you try all of them.

after this what you wanna do is you can either add nude lip color and that’s going to enhanece the fullness of your lips or good old fashioned lip balm. And just focus applying on the center of your lipps instead for a nice three dimensional look.

This is very uncenventional way to not only plump up yur lips but to remove any fine lines and wrinkles.

And what you’re doing with this dermaroller is you micro needling your lips. And it’s creating little microscopic tears and holes on the surface of your skin or lips.

First i like to roll it vertically then horizontally and then diagonally with gentle pressure. So after you roll your lips and you’ve microneedled it, from here you can start addiing serums, oils or you can even use something lip ehancer products. I love  Jouer Essential Lip Enhancer as my lip enhancer products.

And if you want to get a lil fancy schmancy with your lip product you can instead use a collagen lip mask  And do it at night.

  • Concealer Stick or Fleshtone Lip iner

So what you do is focusing on the center of your lips, and what you wanna do is to fill in that center area.

This trick will give more dimension and highlight right along your cupid’s bow. You can use concealer or lip liner. And then the next is to blend everything out. But don’t overbland bacause you wanna keep the lightness along the center of your lips. And the last step is to add a nude lip gloss over your lips.

  • Lip Enhancing Tool

Full Lip Plumping Enhancer. It’s a very simple device, there’s no machine and not battery operated. Instant way to get plump and soft lips.

So what this tool does is that it creates vacum around your lips that will promote blood flow and brings all the blood into your lips. instantly plumping it.

It will play fuller lips longet out of the tips before. Sucking the air out like 10 seconds And it’s really fun to play.

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